All These Ads Are Making Me Crazy

Kelly Thomasson
5 min readNov 17, 2021

“Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.”

Photo by Dennis Maliepaard on Unsplash

I like free stuff just as much as anyone else, but I hate commercials. I don’t mind watching one or two ads to get free access to a video, movie, or show. In fact, I appreciate the option to watch some commercials in lieu of making monthly payments. What bothers me about all these ads is the frequency they occur and the content they contain.

So many commercials these days are terrible. It’s hard to believe that a group of people got together to hear about this pitch, listened to the pitch, liked the pitch, and then put the pitch into production. Most ads are either corny with lazy writing and juvenile humor or are trying way too hard to spread some profound message while selling something like sneakers or lipstick. Others have annoying jingles that burrow into your brain and torment you for weeks, and the rest are simply trying to manipulate you.

Okay, all ads are probably created with the intent to manipulate you, but some are definitely trying harder than others.

Have you noticed recently how many ads have celebrities in them now? It used to be a BFD when a company could land a celebrity for a commercial or contract one as a spokesman. These days, celebrities are everywhere in ads. I have issues with this for a couple reasons:

  1. Influence. Celebrities…



Kelly Thomasson Host of I Need Friends. Not an expert on anything, just curious about everything. Sometimes serious, sometimes…not.